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Push Bar Repair and Replacement
Push Bar Repair and Replacement

Push Bar Door Lock Repair in Atlanta

A push bar door lock installation is designed to allow fast and unencumbered exit through a doorway. They are typically found on hallway doors and exit doors of high traffic or high density industrial and commercial buildings such as movie theaters, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, and arenas. However, a faulty push bar door lock can be disastrous and a cause of severe bodily injuries. Improper installation, poor maintenance, and inappropriate secondary locks are three of the most common problems. If you want to ensure your push bar door lock installation is in good shape, then give QuickPro Locksmith a call. We offer inspections as well as reliable push bar door lock repair and push bar door lock replacement in Atlanta.

What Is A Push Bar Door Lock?

A push bar door lock, also known as a panic bar, is a device that allows occupants to leave quickly from a building or area in in a building. The mechanism is simple. A spring-loaded metal bar is installed horizontally on the inside of an outward-opening door. Unlocking the door simply requires a push of the bar, allowing quick exits.
This device is designed to allow fast and unencumbered manual exit through a doorway. This hardware may be the difference between life and death, which is why there are many compliance codes associated with them. QuickPro Locksmith is proud to service panic bars in accordance with local codes.

Do Not Postpone Repairs

As we mentioned earlier, a push bar door lock can be the difference between life and death. Poor maintenance and neglected repairs can cost the ultimate price. Protect yourself from severe liability by arranging your push bar door lock repair in Atlanta as soon as you notice the push bar is not working as effortlessly as it should. Remember, the whole point of a panic bar is to allow seamless and quick exit from a building. Postponing your push bar door lock repair can expose you to serious legal liabilities. Call QuickPro Locksmith to arrange a quick emergency repair today. Our live representatives and qualified locksmiths are on standby to take your call.

Is It Time for A Replacement?

Ideally, you want the panic bar to last a lifetime or more, but its life expectancy is limited due to the wear and tear of all of the components. Even though the push bar door lock is fairly simple in design, the parts that interact with one another can break, wear out, or misalign. The professionals at QuickPro Locksmith will exhaust all options to repair the device, but there are times when the damage is beyond repair. In these situations, you should be ready for a push bar door lock replacement. The good news is that the experts at QuickPro Locksmith can handle the replacement as well.

Call QuickPro Locksmith Any Time

QuickPro Locksmith’s business hours are all day, every day. Do not hesitate to call. Our live representatives and mobile locksmiths are on standby right now to take your call. We can have an expert dispatched to your location as soon as within the hour!

Reasons to Hire QuickPro Locksmith
Affordable Locksmith

Reliable & Affordable

Insured Locksmith

Insured & Certified

Experienced Locksmiths

Experienced Technicians

Local Locksmith

Localy Owned & Operated

Your Trusted Local Mobile Locksmith

QuickPro Locksmith has been offering professional residential, commercial & automotive locksmith serivces since 2010. With many years of experience in locksmith industry, we provide the most reliable locksmith services at the best rates. All our locksmith technicians are well-tranined, licensed, insured & background checked for your safety. Contact our office now to schedule the locksmith services you need in your area.


Elizabeth Elliott

Elizabeth Elliott

Excellent service - called them upon arrival to ATL when I realized I had left my car keys at a…

Magen McRoberts

Magen McRoberts

QuickPro is the BEST! They were onsite within less than an hour of calling and helped us access a safe…

Beth Crady

Beth Crady

This service call with Doug is the embodiment of exemplary customer service! First - since I called late afternoon, I…

Nikki J

Nikki J

Just had a new key made with Doug. He arrived at my apartment within 20 min of my initial call.…
