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Can You Pick Restricted Keyways?
Can You Pick Restricted Keyways?

Can You Pick Restricted Keyways?

Can You Pick Restricted Keyways?

As an individual, do you know it is possible to have access to an exclusive key that is only available to locksmiths? Yes, investing in restricted keyways allows you to have a lock designed to prevent unauthorized duplication of keys!

With restricted keys, you will have peace of mind and total control of your security.

But can these specialized keys be picked or manipulated like other keys? Read this article to learn more.

What Are Restricted Keyways?

They are unique lock designs made with patented key blanks. Most times, these key blanks are not available at hardware stores, and locksmiths who would like to acquire and duplicate copies of this key need authorization. The idea behind these keyways is to reduce accessibility to unauthorized persons and also enhance the security of homes, workplaces, and buildings.

Can One Pick a Restricted Keyway?

In most cases, the answer to this is both yes and No. Traditional lock-picking methods may not work on restricted keyways. These are the reasons:

  • Complex Design: Warding, which is more advanced than simple internal shape, is often used in restricted keyways only because of specific keys. This renders traditional kinds of lock-picking tools less efficient.
  • High-Quality Materials: Most restricted keyways are constructed from materials that cannot be easily tampered with, drilled, bumped, or manipulated.
  • Advanced Pin Systems: Some restricted keyway locks are specialized locking systems, which are almost impossible to pick with lock-picking tools because of spool forms or mushroom pins.

Yet, while the physical lock might not be vulnerable to picks, no lock is entirely pick-proof. In most cases, it is legal to pick a restricted keyway but only a skilled locksmith with specialized tools and permission can do this.

Why Use Restricted Keyways?

Restricted keyways are most suitable for companies or property owners who want maximum security. Through this, they not only limit duplication of keys but also the probability of being stolen due to their tighter lock systems.

If you want to speak to somebody about this type of keys, the professional locksmith at QuickPro Locksmith are readily available. We also offer lockout service services.

The Challenge of Picking Restricted Keyways

Lock-picking is not an easy task. It involves precision, skills, and the right tool. However, restricted keyways make it a little tricky. The lock and any other traditional picking tool used to manipulate other keys are hard to operate due to their design. They are also made to resist standard lock-pick techniques since they are often incorporated into high-security systems.

While picking limited keyways is a workable action, it is unlawful and unethical to do that if proper permissions are not granted. You should call a licensed locksmith if you find yourself locked out, or when you require access to an area that is closed off.


While restricted keyways enhance security, maintaining them requires certain skills and tools. Besides the difficulty, it takes much time attempting to pick such keys in addition to compromising your security.

Restricted keyways are a good option, but you can get more advanced security keys and systems when we work with you.